Drive In UAE 220 Page RTA Safe Driving Handbook

On the need to wear personal protective equipment in the process of air transportation Passengers of international flights go through customs, passport control, as well as security control, after which they await flight departure in the sterile area of ​​the gallery of international airlines. When passing the controls, a foreign passport and a boarding pass are presented. When transporting animals or plants, it is necessary to pass phytocontrol / veterinary control. In accordance with Appendix No. 1 of the Rules for conducting pre-flight and post-flight inspections, approved by order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation No. 104 dated July 25, 2007, it is prohibited to carry the following dangerous substances and items on board the aircraft by passengers in checked baggage and in things carried by passengers : explosives; explosive devices and objects stuffed with them; compressed and liquefied gases; flammable liquids; flammable solids; oxidizing agents and organic peroxides; toxic substances; radioactive materials; caustic and corrosive substances; poisonous and toxic su Drive In UAE 220 Page RTA Safe Driving Handbook bstances; The following items and substances are allowed to be transported on board the aircraft by the crew members and passengers in compliance with the required conditions:


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