Fashion in Tanzania

Best rated among tour operators in Tanzania Necessary vaccinations for a trip to Tanzania Best time to climb Kilimanjaro Altitude acclimatization on Kilimanjaro When packing your bags for a safari trip, the main thing is not to go to extremes. Spartans, accustomed to traveling with a minimum of luggage, may be puzzled by the search for the right things in the endless expanses of the African savannah. And prudent tourists, who have brought with them a "carriage and a small cart" - risk admiring the beauty of nature, looking out through a crack from behind a barricade of backpacks. Therefore, let us recall the basic rule of safari - travelers move through the parks in off-road vehicles with their luggage, unless your program starts and ends at the same hotel, then things can be left at the hotel. If there are a lot of suitcases, they will simply be fixed on the roof of the car, depriving you of the opportunity to ride with a lifting roof and take good photos of the animals you see. First of all, this applies to large groups, since all SUVs are 7-seater and together you can collect at least 3 suitcases of thing Fashion in Tanzania s, but when you are traveling 6 or 7 people, the choice of luggage should be approached with special trepidation. So that, in spite of the minimum of things, there is no lack of comfort. You will spend most of your travel time sitting. Therefore, clothes should be comfortable, made of soft natural fabrics, with a minimum of elastic bands, ties, tightening belts and decorative elements like massive buttons. Please note that to see some of the animals, you will have to leave early in the morning, and at this time it can be cool and you cannot do without warm clothes. Take into account the time of year and the weather conditions in your area. For example, in the reserves of the northern regions, the temperature during the day can be about 22-25 ° C, and in the southern part of Tanzania and on the islands it can reach 35 ° C. Keep in mind that when driving off-road through the open windows / roof, the ubiquitous dust gets inside the car, so when choosing clothes, you should give preference not to dazzling white, but to inexpressive and non-marking shades like khaki. Optimal footwear is lightweight sneakers, sandals, or flip-flops. Much depends on the place of stay and the level of the hotel. For example, in Ngorongoro, most hotels are located at an altitude of 3000 m, where the temperature drops to zero at night, so warm clothes will come in handy. In the central part of the Serengeti, on the contrary, it can be hot in sneakers and it will be much more comfortable to travel in sandals. It is also recommended to take repellents with you - mosquitoes are usually active in the early morning and at sunset, midges terrorize in the vicinity of the reservoir, and gadflies feast in the immediate vicinity of animals. Don't forget sunscreen! To prevent the equatorial sun from coloring your skin in all shades of an African sunset, choose a product with protection from SPF 40 or higher. Even if, according to your program, all hotels and lodges provide three Full board meals, we recommend taking with you non-perishable food for snacks. Adrenaline, lots of emotions and fresh air work wonders with your appetite! All safari vehicles are equipped with mini-refrigerators, so there is no need to worry about the freshness of the products.


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